Politics Summary

What's going on in British Politics?

Who knows what's going on?

Here's what you can do

Register To Vote

Voting is the only official way to have a say in what's happening.

You only need to register once - you do not need to register separately for every election. You must register again if you’ve changed address, name or nationality.

You can register again if you don't know if you're registered.


Verify Information

Use a service like FullFact.org who provide information so you can check the claims you hear from politicians and the media.

If an article bases its conclusions on a source or reference, check the reference material. It is common (yet bad practice) for newspapers (on all sides) to cherry-pick the data that confirms their belief, and ignore anything that opposes it.

Remember some sections of newspapers surround fact with opinion. Read a variety of different sources from different ends of the political spectrum and find the common ground.

Speak To People

Read articles, or speak to people with an alternative view to yours. Listen to what they have to say. Ask questions to try to understand their point of view and what is motivating it -- It's rarely as clear cut as a newspaper headline or a party stance. Expect to answer similar questions yourself.

This is not a suggestion to force your opinion on someone else.

Politics Summary is intended to be non-partisan, to vent frustration with the current state of politics, and to provide information to help better educate people on all sides of the political spectrum.

Politics Summary by Matt Gray | mattg.co.uk